Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On Appreciation

This is my day in list form because i'm too tired to construct full sentences:

  • 7am: wake up = five hours of sleep
  • 8:15: took kids to school. more of a rush then usual.
  • 9am: the beginning of my 12 hour work day
  • 2pm: break to pick up kids from school
  • 3pm: take tita marilou grocery shopping + mc donalds + dealing with my nephew's tantrums
  • 4pm: come back to campus, eat three cold, stale french fries (the only food i ate for the day)
  • 5pm: Go to the beginning of kp core practicum
  • 5:30-7:30 (one hour more than asked. the fools. ): Global seminars info session 
  • 7:30 haul ass to PC because i'm half an hour late for my meeting
  • 7:38-9:30: core board
  • 9:30: a reminder of why i do it <3
sometimes i get too caught up in everything to stop and show how much i appreciate the people around me. note to self: this most definitely needs to be fixed.


jas said...

please be nice to yourself and remember to indulge. if i were there i would buy u a big box of chocolate covered raisins.

hang in there. <3

Kenny said...

wait...u take kids to school?